Jumat, Agustus 17, 2012


television is one of many electronic equipment that can to give many information in the past, now and the future, and exactly entertainment. Many cannel that give different programs. Beginning from news, film, music, education, etc.
Many program of television that presentation forward decrease quality. Between programs decrease educate. Increasingly in this era nothing control from
parents to them children when them children watching television. Spending time to watching something that influence to thinking manner and exactly to them future. Because, they just string at matters that no important. And although nothing consistency for someone if no watching television.
Television program that become to stunted thinking. No only it, who watching television will be take over with television programs that promise happiness a later. forget with lesson, education and idea will be need to be arrived.
In this era many free presentation we can see to child, teen, adult and old. In the fact that show progression of technology that if we can not understand whole about it. We will more and more take over in a thinking manner. We want to following progression of technology in the world. But the our way is wrong. Because what? Because we just following to user it. So, we can not to develop our ability.

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